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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Secret To Quick Weight Loss Diets.(weight loss diets)

weight loss diets

Quick weight loss diets seem to constantly be pitched through infomercials, radio and television ads, books and websites. But, the truth of the matter is that those who are continually trying to promote such diets would be out of business fast if it weren't for people who are wanting to lose weight quickly and without much effort.

People struggling with weight seem to always be seeking out the "magic bullet" that will teach them how to lose weight quickly. Unfortunately, unscrupulous marketers and advertisers prey on the hopes of the overweight population and sell products and diet plans that are more about hype and the latest fad than about sound nutritional principles which is the best way to lose weight permanently.

Quick weight loss diets typically overemphasize one food, such as with the infamous cabbage soup diet, or one category of food, such as in the low fat diets or the low carb diets. All of these types of diets that claim to be the fastest way to lose weight violate a very basic, and extremely important, principle of proper nutrition. That basic principle is eating a balanced diet that contains nutrition from all of the food groups.

The biggest danger with most quick weight loss diets is that by stepping away from this principle of balanced nutrition, people can end up developing nutritional deficiencies which can be very harmful to their health, especially if these lose weight fast diet plans are followed for very long. Because of this, people end up trading the loss of a few pounds of weight for their health which can have devastating effects in the long run.

But, the problem with quick weight loss diets doesn't stop there. There is a second important principle to good health that these lose weight quickly fad diets violate. The second principle of good nutrition is that eating should be a pleasant and enjoyable experience. Eating fad diets soon become quite monotonous and they do not supply broad nutritional value and soon people will binge in order to satisfy hunger and to not feel so deprived. The secret to a quick weight loss diets is creating a successful diet plan that will work for you and your body, which also includes daily exercise like using resistance tubes.

The American Heart Association (AHA) strongly cautions against quick weight loss diets and any type of diet that is based on a fad or that claims to help you lose fat fast. The AHA stresses the importance of always focusing on eating more healthy and nutritious foods and cutting out foods that are high in fats and sugars. Making some simple shifts in this way can often result in effective weight loss, but in a much more safe and healthy way.

Susan Pitts is a webmaster of A site dedicated to weight loss and weight loss information. Visit her site today for more great tips.

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Weight Loss Diets and Tips for Finding Effective Weight Loss Diets: The Secret To Quick Weight Loss Diets.(weight loss diets)