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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weight Loss Diets That Work - Are There Any?.(weight loss diets)

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If you are one of the millions of people seeking a weight loss diet that works, then you know just how hard it is to find one. There are so many lies and empty promises when it comes to the market of weight loss. Advertising agencies are fierce with their methods of reaching their targeted audience, and often times deceiving. This is why it is very important to stay informed when looking for weight loss diets that actually work. Let's first have a look at what does not work so that at least if you only read half of this article you will still walk away with valuable knowledge.

Warning! Lies, Lies, and More Lies
Many diets rely solely on advertising. They aren't meant to help the consumer, they are only there for the money. This is what makes many popular fad diets very unreliable and a waste of time. First, any diet with the word low preceding it does not work. For example, low calorie, low fat, low carb, etc. The reason why these type of diets sell so well is because people assume that less food in general is better when it comes to losing weight. This is not true, and I will explain how eating more food will actually help you lose weight in the next section. The reason why these low "blank" diets do not work is because they are depriving the body of necessary nutrients while providing an excess of other nutrients. This is very bad for the body, and simply will not provide successful weight loss.

Another very popular weight loss diet that is extremely popular is the use of diet pills. In my opinion, this is one of the most transparent lies I have ever come across. Simply take a magic diet pill, and lose 20 lbs in a week! This painfully obvious lie, is found all over the internet in similar forms. Yet, so many people buy into the advertisements and purchase these worthless pills. Don't you think everyone would be taking these so called diet pills if they actually worked as described? Sadly, there are still many suckers out there who fall for these pills because companies still spend tons of cash on advertising. One last point about dieting pills. Do you really want to take a drug that contains chemicals which you've never heard of instead of eating real delicious food in order to lose weight?

Alright, alright. Now that I have told you which weight loss diets don't work, let's take a look at one that does.

Dieting Has Never Been So Delicious
Did you know that you can lose weight faster by eating than not eating at all or cutting back on foods? While cutting back on food may seem like an obvious method of losing weight, it actually does the opposite. You see, when you start to eat less you're body will adapt to this change. How exactly? Well, it will slow down you metabolism in relation to the amount of food that you are eating. Basically, the less food you eat the slowing your metabolism.

And how exactly do I lose weight by eating? The secret is in a weight loss diet called calorie shifting. Calorie shifting allows you to eat 4 meals a day, every day of the week. Calorie shifting is also the only weight loss diet that actually helps you lose weight. And you can lose weight extremely fast if you follow the diet correctly. It is possible to lose 9 lbs every 11 days.

In order to lose fat by eating you need to follow a very specific meal plan. Calorie shifting is based on the idea that you can either burn fat or store fat after eating a meal. So, in order to take advantage of calorie shifting you need to know exactly what to eat during each of your 4 meals per day.

As long as you are following a correct meal plan, you will be able to lose fat very quickly by eating. I think that the greatest thing about this fat loss plan is that it is entirely passive. You really don't have to do anything in order to lose fat. This is by far one of the easiest weight loss diets that work!

Click Here To Learn About The Most Reliable Calorie Shifting Diet Available!

Want To Read A Review Of A Calorie Shifting? Click Here!

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weight loss diets.(weight loss diets)

weight loss diets

Losing weight is one of the primary concerns for most people around the world these days that you can see every other person hitting the gym and opting for other procedures such as weight loss pills, surgeries and other things which are totally uncalled for under most circumstances. What they should be doing instead is very simple. They should go for natural, weight loss diets which are way more effective than weight loss pills and weight loss drinks.

Weight loss diets are one of the best ways to lose weight in a natural manner without harming your body by any means. But sadly, most people do not look at it this way and they instead opt for quick options like surgery and pills which guarantee instant results at the cost of your well being and health. This should be avoided by all means and instead you should go for natural diets which usually are way more effective and safe on your body.

First of all, you need to consult a professional before starting such weight loss diets. You should consult your doctor before you start any such diet as it is very important to get a professional advice before starting on such diets. Once your doctor clarifies everything, you can start with your weight loss mission and start with your diet. One thing you need to make sure is that you should stick to that diet no matter what. A lot of people do not do that and do not see any results. So, it is very important that you stick to your weight loss diet at any cost.

Once you start with such weight loss diets, you can see the visible difference in a matter of few months. Also, if you are able to do, you can start working out side by side. The combination of weight loss diets with proper work out is perhaps the most efficient way to reduce your weight in the shortest possible time in a natural manner without harming your body by any means. In this process, you can become healthier and stronger. So, it is always advisable to go for such diets which are natural and skip the other methods which promise you to reduce your weight overnight. Also, once you get rid of all the extra weight through this method, you can continue this diet for the rest of your life to make sure you stay that way forever which is always a better option.

To get your complimentary Weight Loss Program, or to get personalized Weight Loss Tips from a gal whose struggled to lose weight all her life and has now managed to lose 57lbs, visit my website by clicking the links.

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How to Find the Best Weight Loss Diets For a Flat Stomach.(weight loss diets)

weight loss diets

Weight loss diets have become a preoccupation to a lot of people because of the inherent dangers associated with weight gain. It is now reported that in the United States, 1 out of every 3 people has a weight problem, as in, they are overweight. Obesity is a major problem in the United States and now other western nations. In the US, the problem is attributed to lack of adequate exercise, a sedentary lifestyle and high calorie diet as a result of fast foods.

Medical researchers has associated obesity with such maladies as heart attacks, brain damage, cancer and generally being prone to sickness because most viruses find fat a very conducive environment to breed. Due to these dangers, many people have embarked on a way to keep trim and those that have been diagnosed with obesity have began to seek weight loss programs. Many naturally turn to exercise which is a way to burn off excess calories to get a flat stomach.

Exercise is a great way weight loss strategy because one of the major causes of obesity is a sedentary lifestyle devoid of any exercise. In a sedentary lifestyle, one accumulates more fat than is burning because of inactivity. While exercise is a very effective weight loss strategy, it fails for many because it needs a complimentary diet plan to help them get a flat stomach and become healthy.

Embarking on weight loss diets is a great way to lose weight because it ensures that the body sheds excess fat while still maintaining and receiving its proper balance of nutrients and vitamins. For many, the right weight loss diet is still a mystery to achieve a flat stomach.

Another excellent way to embark on a great weight loss diet is to be mindful and alert when shopping. Most foods purchases in supermarkets around the world have a bar code and calorie information imprinted on the container paper. Reading this information before making purchases will ensure than you purchase only that which is wholesome and nutritious.

There are now hundreds that claim to be the best weight loss diets for a flat stomach and healthy lifestyle. Major shopping chains even have entire sections of the market dedicated to weight loss diets supplements. The best weight loss diets are the ones that other people has tried and swear by. Fat loss 4 Idiots is one that is a web based diet program that seems to be the latest fad. It has a online diet generator which allows you to choose the type of foods you enjoy and plans out a 11 day diet menu for you.

If you want to know how to lose weight at home, than the everloss "Diet Weight Loss System" is for you. This is the perfect plan for anyone who has ever wondered, what diet is right for me? With this diet, you are given the perfect combinations of materials to help you succeed. There is even a money back guarantee that the program will really work. The price is even so affordable that just about anyone can get it. Try the everloss "Fat Free Forever" diet program today!

Obediah Marsh

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The Secret To Quick Weight Loss Diets.(weight loss diets)

weight loss diets

Quick weight loss diets seem to constantly be pitched through infomercials, radio and television ads, books and websites. But, the truth of the matter is that those who are continually trying to promote such diets would be out of business fast if it weren't for people who are wanting to lose weight quickly and without much effort.

People struggling with weight seem to always be seeking out the "magic bullet" that will teach them how to lose weight quickly. Unfortunately, unscrupulous marketers and advertisers prey on the hopes of the overweight population and sell products and diet plans that are more about hype and the latest fad than about sound nutritional principles which is the best way to lose weight permanently.

Quick weight loss diets typically overemphasize one food, such as with the infamous cabbage soup diet, or one category of food, such as in the low fat diets or the low carb diets. All of these types of diets that claim to be the fastest way to lose weight violate a very basic, and extremely important, principle of proper nutrition. That basic principle is eating a balanced diet that contains nutrition from all of the food groups.

The biggest danger with most quick weight loss diets is that by stepping away from this principle of balanced nutrition, people can end up developing nutritional deficiencies which can be very harmful to their health, especially if these lose weight fast diet plans are followed for very long. Because of this, people end up trading the loss of a few pounds of weight for their health which can have devastating effects in the long run.

But, the problem with quick weight loss diets doesn't stop there. There is a second important principle to good health that these lose weight quickly fad diets violate. The second principle of good nutrition is that eating should be a pleasant and enjoyable experience. Eating fad diets soon become quite monotonous and they do not supply broad nutritional value and soon people will binge in order to satisfy hunger and to not feel so deprived. The secret to a quick weight loss diets is creating a successful diet plan that will work for you and your body, which also includes daily exercise like using resistance tubes.

The American Heart Association (AHA) strongly cautions against quick weight loss diets and any type of diet that is based on a fad or that claims to help you lose fat fast. The AHA stresses the importance of always focusing on eating more healthy and nutritious foods and cutting out foods that are high in fats and sugars. Making some simple shifts in this way can often result in effective weight loss, but in a much more safe and healthy way.

Susan Pitts is a webmaster of A site dedicated to weight loss and weight loss information. Visit her site today for more great tips.

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Fast Weight Loss Diets - 3 to Choose From.(weight loss diets)

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Fast weight loss diets are not for the faint of heart. They're not based on balanced eating plans. You shouldn't exert yourself when you're on one because they can put stress on your body. And you should never stay one for more than a week. Most important of all though, BEFORE you launch one of the diets promising fast weight loss, visit your doctor and get medical advice. Here are three of the most popular fast weight loss diets:

The Three Day Diet is the simplest of the three diets. It consists of an exact menu for three days. Each breakfast is one small amount of protein, one starch, and one fruit. On one day you'll have an egg, 1/2 of a banana, a piece of toast, and black coffee.

Lunch is even less. It's a small amount of protein and a starch. For one lunch you're recommended to have 1/2 cup tuna and a piece of toast along with your black coffee. Dinner is a little different. You will have a larger serving of protein, 2 servings of vegetables, a fruit, and a cup of regular vanilla ice cream. I personally think it's also one of the strangest diets.

However, there are more of these diets that also have their quirks. One is the Chicken Soup Diet. This is based on a complex recipe for chicken soup. You get some choices of different breakfasts, and then you eat as much soup as you want the rest of the day. One breakfast for the Chicken Soup Diet might be Total cereal, nonfat milk, and juice. A different one would be yogurt, fruit, and wheat germ. When it comes to diets for fast weight loss, with the exception of breakfast this one has zero variety and is boring.

The Grapefruit Diet is one of the most intricate of the 3 fast weight loss diets. There's a lot to remember, and it's all considered important. For instance, there's a certain amount of grapefruit or other specified juice to eat with each meal. You're warned not to eat more or less than what's suggested. Otherwise, it's said the diet will not work.

Also, you're not allowed to take anything away from the diet. If you don't want to eat two slices of bacon with your breakfast - too bad. They claim you won't burn fat if you don't adhere precisely to the diet, including eating the bacon. Hmmm.

A diet like this is hard to understand.

You're also advised to drink 8 eight-ounce glasses of water every day, but only 1 cup of coffee at a meal. Butter can be used as a condiment, or to fry foods. You're only allowed to eat at meal time; no snacking except the beverage at bedtime. You're given two lists: one of foods you can eat and one of foods you cannot eat. Yet, on this "accelerated" weight loss diet you're encouraged to eat until you're full at any meal. Again I say...hmmm.

You're warned not to eat certain foods at the same time they claim the more you eat (of the "allowed" foods), the more you fat you burn. Breakfast on this diet is grapefruit, 2 eggs, and 2 bacon slices. That's the basic guideline however; they also indicate you can eat as much eggs and bacon as you wish. Is this also confusing to you?

Lunch is grapefruit, salad, and meat. Dinner is grapefruit, meat, and a salad or vegetable. You get a bedtime snack of tomato juice or nonfat milk. Yippee! Let's face it - you'll be hungry regardless which of the diets you try. They're extremely restrictive with very, very little food variety. Speaking for myself, that usually means I'll not only be miserable but my chances of sticking to it - even for a short time - are pretty slim. (Pun intended)

And doing fast weight loss diets like this can get complicated. If you do participate in one, please be careful. They may not be safe. And definitely consult with your doctor.

Perhaps you're seriously looking for dramatic weight loss with laparoscipic weight loss surgery. Or perhaps you want some straight talk on choosing which of the best weight loss programs us right for you, visit my website for tons of weight loss tips, exercise information and healthy eating plans.

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